Should I Accept

I got an invite from friends

should I go to this trip

its just I’m still in school

and school work will pile in a blip

Id miss gym and wouldn’t have to run

and this trip could be really fun

Id have to find a ride

to get to that beach tide

I think I’m going to take this vacation

I could use some relaxation

Hopefully my paper work doesn’t rise

although it wouldn’t be a surprise

Just Wait!

Many people plan trips ahead and sometimes they may not know that it will be during a school week and it will interfere. Kids always take the downfall after coming back from trips that have crossed with school time. Especially as you get older in higher grades you get more work quicker and you have one day to do it. When kids get back they are behind and piled up with 5 assignments from each class. Every other student is learning something else and they might not be capable of teaching their friend who is behind the material they learned. This starts to add up stress all because you had a little fun and break.

Kids may be too overwhelmed and it causes a ton of negative things. Grades start to drop, parents and teachers yelling at you, and your sitting there wondering what to do. Stress from schools and parents are one of the reasons kids get discouraged and then their grades might not ever go up. Keep your kids in school and wait for the summer to come to take all those fun vacations with our family. The worry and stress won’t be piled up after and your kids won’t be worried about being behind all vacation.

Leaving in the Morning

Its four a.m and me and the fam are up rushing looking around the house making sure we have everything for our trip. We need to leave the house by 5:30 to get to the airport by 6:30. This is our first family trip and we have a new born with us so we must have every essential needs of ours for this trip… especially the baby’s. Its 5:10 and I’m ready to go but Mom is still going through the checklist of everything for the 100th time. She is clearly stressed, but hopefully this trip will be a fun and relaxing time for her. Me and Dad are packing the truck because we need to leave in 20 minutes. We are ignoring mom and her over thinking. I was assigned of getting the baby and putting him in the car by 5:25 me dad and my brother are set in the car and honking the horn for mom to come get in the car. And were off! Were in the car on the way to the airport and mom and the baby are sleep right away. When we get there, we grab all of our suitcases and bags and wait for the airport bus. Now the bus is here and the baby starts to act a fool. We get in the airport and its 6:45 we are going to get our bags checked so we aren’t carrying so many things through security and to our gate. Now we are going to the bathroom and the clock is ticking its 7:00 and we board at 7:30. The baby needs a diaper change and dad needs the bathroom break. We turn the corner and next thing that comes out of my mouth is “NOO!!” THe line is wrapped we stand in line and wait by the time we get out its 7:15. We are running to our gate and the look on my moms face was just worry because our gate was on the other side of the airport. It took us ten minutes to get over there and on the announcement they make a very unsettling announcement. “Sorry to disappoint but our plane will be delayed for another 2 hours, we will update you with further news later.” I was angry. I got my phone out and sat against the wall with the baby while Mom and Dad went to go get us three starbucks. Time feels so slow until its finally time to board the plane. We have a three hour flight and its little bros first flight. I went straight to sleep and it was peaceful flight until one baby started crying on the plane causing my brother to cry. For at least fifteen minutes non stop tears of 3 different babies. Were finally descending and I was able to get no sleep so when we got off the phone and left the air port, we drove to our hotel and I was knocked out. I woke up around 5:00 and we were all happy to finally be in our destination. We went to pool side dinner and enjoyed our week there.

Traveling numbers rising

Ever since the pandemic numbers have gone down and mandates have gone away traveling has gone up. The average number of people traveling in may was about 244,176 and now its increased to around 2,287,197 people. Are people still cautious about going on a plane though? Are they going to keep taking the road trips avoiding being around so many people? Either way travel has proven to be something that can make you smarter and open your heart. Many people say that when they travel they feel happier. Usually people go to destinations that have beautiful sceneries & relaxation places. Traveling doesn’t always have to be far it could a couple hour drive and go to a resort or maybe you are taking an 18 hour flight. If you’re looking for something to calm your soul and out you at peace, go travel with your family.

The Airport

As I awoke from my slight slumber

my head aching, my shoulder sore

I was familiar with the sight of suitcases rolling

across the floor

The sound of families laughing

announcers on the mic

the piano player who sets up in the foyer

every thursday night

To see a couple smiling secretly filled with

honeymoon jitters

to watch maintenance run around to prevent us

from seeing critters

an hour to go I stare out the window

watching the runway races

I turn and see all these people

but none were familiar faces